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Fortune Nickel and Gold

KRTL International Corp assisted its partner, Fortune, Nickel, and Gold Inc., successfully advance the exploration on its Gowan and Beck-Ottaway Properties in Ontario through the services of Axiom Exploration Group Ltd. ("Axiom") of Saskatoon, Sask. . The two satellite surveys, which covered a combined area of eighty km2 using Synthetic Aperture Radar and Multispectral data from Sentinel and ASTER satellite sensor systems, were used as a non-invasive method to analyze the properties for nickel, gold, and base metals exploration targets. Axiom utilized the data to complete a full-service package including data acquisition, processing, analysis, technical reporting, and claim management.

Fortune is a nickel exploration company, focused on the Timmins Nickel District, Ontario, Canada.

·        We target the growth in demand for class one nickel from the electric vehicle battery sector.

                        Ken Hoffman, Co-head of EV Battery Materials Research, McKinsey, and Co. is quoted:

“As that market grows, as the battery packs get bigger and bigger, and as stationary storage becomes very large, and we need a lot more nickel in those batteries, we are going to have a real problem trying to find the supply.”

·        Fortune has received exploration permits to drill in the townships of Gowan, Beck, Ottaway and Lennox.

·        Our property is in a mining-friendly jurisdiction with well-established infrastructure (road, power, water, rail connection) and has a skilled local labor workforce.

·        Our location is ideally positioned to deliver to the North American auto industry.

·        Our mineral claims expand over an area of approximately 10,000 acres.

·        We have uncovered significant data that corroborates the value of our mineral rights:

Gowan project:

·        Drill hole PH-68 reveals 27 feet of 3.5% nickel sulfide and 1.25% copper in a near surface intercept.

·        21 significant geophysical anomalies have been identified for drilling in our geophysical studies.

Priority drill locations are northeast targets which represent the southern extension of VTEM conductor anomalies on Pelangio property.

Near and within the same geological/structural trend as the Alexo-Dundonald Ni-Cu-mine /deposit to the east, and the Kidd Creek Mine Complex (the deepest base-metal mine in the world) to the west. 


·        J.C. Grant’s geophysical report in January 2022 states:

“The majority of the Fortune property contains substantial ultramafic volcanics and intrusives, a prospective environment for nickel copper sulphide deposits.”

“Enormous blue-sky potential for nickel, base-metal and gold opportunities.”

Beck-Ottaway-Lennox Project:

·        Drill hole L25-1 has intersected massive sulfides (up to 40%) composed of pyrite-pyrrhotite+/-chalcopyrite.

·        Hole B1: 12 ft @0.10% Ni

·        Hole B2: 5 ft @ 0.22% Ni and 4.98 ft @ 0.29% Ni

·        Hole B3: 4 ft @ 0.23% Ni and 4.2 ft @ 0.21 Ni

·        All magnetic highs remain favorable for Ni mineralization, especially immediately north of holes B-2 and B-3


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